Mobile application for a network of clinics in the city of Novosibirsk family medicine centers


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Now a mobile application is available for the clients of the «Zdravitsa» medical centers, which makes it possible to see the online reception history, test results and specialists' appointments, watch the online schedule and make an appointment. And for this, there is no longer any need to come to us or call the call center.

The network of family medicine centers «Zdravitsa» is five wide-profile medical centers, which provide a full range of polyclinic services for the whole family in the field of therapy, diagnostics, pediatrics, reproductive health, neurology and rehabilitation, dentistry.

Full range of outpatient services for the whole family. Visit several specialists, take tests and pass the necessary examinations in most cases possible in one Center.

High class specialists. More than 220 doctors of 50 specialties. A well-coordinated team of high-class specialists of different profiles surround each patient with attention, warmth and care.

Convenient location. Five centers are located on the right and left banks within walking distance of metro stations.

Contact with your doctor. The patient can always contact his doctor by phone, leaving a request for a call back through the call center operators.

Reception reminder system. On the eve of the reception, the patient receives a reminder using a call or SMS.

Bonus system. For regular customers there is a bonus system that allows you to accumulate up to 10% of the cost of services and use them for full or partial payment for subsequent services. To increase the amount of savings and accelerate the receipt of the bonus, each family can create a family bonus account and pay bonuses for the whole family.

March 30, 2018
Development of mobile applications and server side.